New General Entitlement - Occupational Disease Program Policy Approved

On February 11, 2010, the Board of Directors approved the new program policy, Policy 1.2.14 General Entitlement – Occupational Disease Recognition. This concluded policy development and consultation on this program topic.  The “General Entitlement – Occupational Disease Recognition” program policy identifies and communicates the principles and questions the WCB considers in determining whether a disease is arising out of and in the course of employment, and resulting from causes or conditions (i) peculiar to or characteristic of a particular trade or occupation, or (ii) peculiar to the particular employment.  This policy does not change, expand, or limit the existing criteria used to determine recognition of an occupational disease; rather, it improves transparency and accountability regarding the WCB’s decision-making process. It also lays the foundation necessary for potentially developing more complex adjudicative policies in the future as identified by stakeholders.

In concluding policy development on “General Entitlement – Occupational Disease Recognition”, policy, the WCB prepared the paper entitled “General Entitlement – Occupational Disease Recognition: Final Program Policy Decision and Supporting Rationale”.  The paper outlines 

  • the key issues raised by stakeholders during Stage 2 consultation on the proposed new program policy;
  • the rationale for why the WCB did or did not revise the draft new program policy “General Entitlement – Occupational Disease Recognition, in response to stakeholder submissions received as a result of Stage 2 consultation;
  • a summary of feedback received during Stage 2 consultation (see Appendix B); and
  • the WCB’s final policy decision as reflected in the final version of the program policy in Appendix A.

The WCB would like to take this opportunity to thank those who participated in the policy development process.