WCB Nova Scotia clearance status indicates whether a company is in good standing, which means the company has coverage, has met payroll reporting requirements, and has no outstanding balance.
Clearance letters are now completely digital
We have moved to a completely digital clearance process through MyAccount. You can now access clearance information when and where you need to.
This means that we are no longer mailing paper clearance letters. Clearance letters are now only available through MyAccount.
Access clearance on MyAccount
To access a clearance letter, you need to be registered for MyAccount.
To register, please call
1-800-870-3331 with your Business Number for your account registration code. Once you have your code, visit
my-account.ns.ca to sign up. If your organization already has MyAccount, the
account or policy administrator can grant additional users access to clearance.
From MyAccount, you can:
- Save, print, and share clearance letters for both yourself and contractors.
- Search for and check clearance status of contractors.
- Manage contractor lists.
- See expiry date directly on the clearance letter. Accounts will remain in good standing for the full quarter, unless the account is closed.
For steps on how to register and access clearance letters for you and your contractors, visit our site for support at
Hiring contractors
As a principal contractor who hires contractors, it's important to make sure you check and track their clearance status.
Contractor with no WCB coverage
- If the contractor operates in a mandatory industry and does not have WCB coverage, include the labour portion of their work in your regular payroll reporting.
- If the contractor does not operate in a mandatory industry, you do not need to pay premiums on their behalf.
The contractor is not covered by workers’ compensation insurance in the event of an injury.
Contractor with WCB coverage
- If the contractor is in good standing, your experience rating won’t be impacted if they have a claim during the contract. You also don’t pay WCB premiums on their labour.
- If the contractor is not in good standing, you and the contractor are jointly responsible for premiums associated with the contractor’s work. You may withhold the amount of the contractor’s premium from the contract. This is the only situation in which you can hold back a portion of the contractor’s wages.