WCB issues Consumer Price Index Payments

Each year the WCB makes adjustments to certain benefits to apply the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is a measure of changing price levels in Canada. When prices increase, the WCB increases benefits to reflect these price changes.

The annual CPI payment process currently occurs in two stages:

Phase 1 (February to April) – eligible benefits are adjusted for the current year (January 1st to December 31st) by applying the CPI increase, which is 1.51% for 2009. Cheques and letters will be sent out to eligible workers by mid-April.

Phase 2 (September to November) – CPI adjustments are issued for retroactive payments that have been processed over the previous 12 months.

Not all types of benefits are indexed. Those benefits which are indexed include: monthly Permanent Impairment Benefits; Extended Earnings-Replacement Benefits; Survivor Pensions; Dependent Child Benefits; Clinical Rating Scale Benefits (CRS Pensions); Amended Interim Earnings-Loss Benefits (AIEL Pensions); and Temporary Earnings Replacement Benefits, if temporary benefits have been paid for more than 12 continuous months.

In addition to the annual CPI payment process, we have begun a large scale project to automate the process, on a yearly basis, for eligible long-term benefits only. This will improve service by providing workers with their CPI increases on a more regular and timely basis. Starting January 2009, regular monthly long-term benefit cheques will include the monthly CPI increase.

Check out our sample calculation sheet for more information about CPI benefits.