Transitional work:

It’s about what the employee can do, not what they can’t

When an injury occurs, your goal as an employer is to help your employee get back to the way things were before the injury. Transitional work can assist an early and safe recovery.

More importantly, transitional work helps keep people connected to work during recovery when it’s more important than ever for their physical and mental well-being.

This booklet can help your workers understand transitional work.

Transitional work:

  • Can be a modified version of the employee’s original position, changed so they can do it safely within their functional abilities
  • Can be alternate work the employee does temporarily
  • Is meaningful and productive
  • Is temporary – the goal is to get your employee back to their pre-injury work

Benefits of transitional work:

  • Keeps a valued employee connected with the workplace. The longer an employee is off work, the greater the chance they won’t come back.
  • Helps with an employee’s social, mental, physical, and financial well-being.
  • Demonstrates the value of staying connected with work and other employees.
  • Reduces your WCB claims costs.

How is transitional work determined?

As part of the support team, you’ll work with your employee, the WCB case worker, and the health care provider to compare the position’s requirements to the employee’s new abilities. This will help you determine what the employee can safely do.

Is transitional work right for your workplace? Talk to us today to find out.