Province Acts to Better Protect Workers' Workplace Safety

New workplace health and safety regulations increase protection from falls on the job and improve safety for highway workers.

Starting Wednesday, June 12, companies on a worksite with a risk of falling from a height of more than three metres, must show proof of adequate fall-protection training. And employers doing work on roads, public parking lots and highways, must have a hazard assessment and written safe-work procedure.

There are also changes to prosecutions and the way the province shares information about workplace convictions.

And a communications and public education campaign will bring awareness to the 24-hour reporting line for Nova Scotians to call when they see an unsafe workplace: 1-800-9-LABOUR.

"This is a positive step in moving Nova Scotians from just knowing about safety, to caring about safety," Workers' Compensation Board CEO Stuart MacLean said in the news release. "The Workplace Safety Strategy is our roadmap to a safer province, and actions like those announced today move us closer to our goal."

As a strategic partner to the Province in the 2014-2017 Workplace Safety Strategy, the WCB was pleased to support the campaign, and will work with the province to bring prominence to the accompanying public education campaign.

Read the full news release.