Doing our part to support healthy, safe return to work.

In the fall of 2024, the provincial government amended the Workers' Compensation Act to include the Stronger Workplaces for Nova Scotia Act. This legislation empowers WCB Nova Scotia to hold both workers and employers accountable for their collective responsibilities and underscores the importance of cooperation in the return-to-work process. Read about the Stronger Workplaces for Nova Scotia Act here.
The WCB is committed to fostering a collaborative environment where employers and workers actively participate in the return-to-work process. "Duty to Cooperate" is a crucial aspect of this commitment, ensuring that all parties work together to support and benefit workers injured on the job.
What is Duty to Cooperate?
Duty to Cooperate requires employers and workers to engage in the return-to-work process.
People that can stay at work, or stay connected to work, while they recover from an injury have better outcomes.
Employers that have an accommodation plan in place can reduce time loss, benefit their bottom line, and improve employee outcomes—everyone wins.
Cooperation is an essential ingredient for achieving better recovery outcomes and reducing time loss due to injuries.
Why is this happening?
We are changing how we work, because return to work is the problem in Nova Scotia. Too many people are off for too long, and too many go on to receive long-term benefits. We all want the same thing—we want Nova Scotians working.
We’re holding employers accountable. Most time-loss injuries come from just a few employers in this province. We’re focused on them. And we’ll ensure all employers understand the new Duty to Cooperate legislation before it comes into effect.
When is this happening?
Duty to Cooperate legislation will come into effect on July 15, 2025.
We are scheduling webinars from January to July as the WCB helps employers and workers better understand what the new legislation means for them.
Jan. 30: GPI Update and Duty to Cooperate Introduction
Our next webinar is scheduled for Thursday, March 6, from 3 - 4 p.m. AST, and will focus on WCB's approach to policy for Duty to Cooperate. Please join us and find out how you can be involved. Register now.
What can employers do now?
Learn more and get involved. Here's how: