For Service Providers

When a worker is injured at work, helping them stay at work or get back as soon as it’s safe is an essential part of injury recovery. 

As a physician, tiered services provider or health care provider, you play a key role in supporting a worker’s return-to-work journey through the early assessment of injuries, diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment. 

Your role also may include supporting return-to-work planning by assessing an injured worker’s present role to help identify transitional work based on the worker’s current abilities.

Your Roles and Responsibilities

Understanding your roles and responsibilities is an integral part of achieving the best possible outcomes for a worker who has been injured. 

  • Reassure them that work is healthy
  • Focus on what they can do at work, not what they can’t
  • Identify transitional work
  • Follow a treatment plan
  • Keep in touch with the WCB

Get more details on your roles and responsibilities.

Transitional Work for Psychological Injury

Transitional work is an important part of recovery for all types of injuries. Learn more about transitional work for gradual onset psychological injuries. 


A Tiered Service Provider’s Guide to Forms and Reporting provides information on the WCB’s Direct Access to Tier 1 Services process and some Tier 1 forms you need to complete. It’s important to also keep in touch with the WCB case worker. They are there to help guide you through supporting the return-to-work process.