Q&A: Quality assurance, training and performance documentation


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Quality Assurance, Training and Performance Documentation: Questions and Answers

From “Questions Nova Scotians May Want to Ask”.

What is the Workers’ Compensation Board doing to ensure that claims management is adequately supported through file reviews, training and staff performance assessments? 

The report found important opportunities for improvement in our documentation of the formal file review process. We take that very seriously, which is why we accept that recommendation and will work to implement it. 

At the same time, I also want to tell you that our employees benefit every day from the oversight, management and guidance of our leadership team in their work. 

We handle thousands of claims, many of them very complex. Our employees work closely with their managers every day. Their managers provide experience, guidance, coaching and leadership on complex claim decisions. It happens daily – not just during formal file review. 

Our staff receive the training they need in their roles. It’s required, before they can begin the job. A number of training courses are required on annual basis.

Overall, though, this training needs to be better documented. We have already added a new online Learning Management System which will greatly assist our ability to track actual hands-on training. 

Regarding performance, the AG report actually found that our annual performance appraisals were performed, but it noted issues in documentation. The report noted that the six month check in conversations were not always documented. While we are confident that these important conversations do occur, we certainly agree with the need for them to be better documented.      



Nova Scotia’s Office of the Auditor General (OAG) news release
Audit Report
Audit Video