
Work Safe. For Life. - Take the pledge to become a Back Protection Agent, avoid sprains and strains with our online quiz, interact with the Back Protection and Body of Evidence apps, download workplace safety videos, and much more.

MyAccount - Convenient, 24/7 online account access for employers including up-to-the-minute tracking of claims and prevention information.

WCB Online for Workers - Your one-stop-shop for information about your claim: submit forms, talk to your case worker securely and track your claim status

WCB Online for Service Providers - The fast, easy way to complete all your forms and invoicing.

Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration (LSI) – Health and safety in the workplace is protected by Nova Scotia’s Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. The Occupational Health and Safety Division promotes, coordinates, administers, and enforces occupational health and safety for workplaces in Nova Scotia. 

Workplace Safety and Insurance System (WSIS) - includes workers, employers, the agencies—Workers’ Advisers Program (WAP), Workers Compensation Appeals Tribunal (WCAT), Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and the Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (WCB)—and others who provide services in the System.