Rick Clarke

Rick Clarke


Worker Representative 

Appointment Date 

June 2016 


  • Investment 
  • Governance and Policy 


Throughout his 40 years in occupational health and safety circles, Rick became an influential leader in Nova Scotia’s labour community, in the occupational health and safety community, and in the province as a whole. 

He served as the President of the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour from 1989 until his retirement in 2015. Rick was a member, and then Chairperson, of the Federation’s first Occupational Health and Safety Committee. He went on to represent the Federation on the Committee which was responsible for the establishment of the first Occupational Health and Safety Act for Nova Scotia. He served as part of the Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Council since its inception. 

In 2002, Rick received the Queen’s Jubilee Medal for his exceptional contribution to the life of his community and country. More recently, he served on the One Nova Scotia Coalition.

"Working conditions and concerns for worker and workplace health and safety have been a concern and focus of mine for almost my entire work life. In fact, they inspired me to become an activist for change. I wanted to join the WCB Board of Directors to work with the other stakeholder members and officials to make a difference – workplace safety is not only a goal, it’s a right.”