Enhanced Physician Services

Enhanced Physician Services (EPS) is a resource for both physicians and WCB Nova Scotia to evaluate and treat bio-psychosocial issues in workers. 

EPS physicians are located throughout Nova Scotia and have additional training in occupational medicine.

You can refer a worker to an EPS physician at any time by selecting a physician from the EPS physician list (use the dropdown menu on the Service Provider Directory)  or by calling WCB Health Services at 902-491-8356 or toll free at 1-800-870-3331. You can also complete a referral in the same manner as you would to any other physician.

An EPS physician will try to see the patient within five days of the referral. If an EPS physician cannot accommodate that schedule and declines, you can contact another EPS physician from the list. 

You will be copied on any reports made by the EPS physician. The information in the reports will be communicated to the patient by their WCB case worker. 

You may resume care of the patient following a referral to an EPS physician, or the EPS physician may continue the care if:
• you feel unable to continue yourself;
• WCB believes it is in the patient’s best interest; or
• the patient has no family physician.