In Nova Scotia, noise induced hearing loss is considered an occupational disease. WCB Nova Scotia covers the costs for hearing aids and associated hearing services for workers with accepted work-related hearing-loss claims.
We have a formal agreement with audiologists and hearing health providers to treat workers. The Hearing Health Services Guide provides details on the services covered by WCB and how to invoice for payments.
Hearing Health Services Guide
The process outlined in the Hearing Health Services Guide should be followed when providing services to a worker with an approved hearing-loss claim. If you have questions about the process please speak with your case manager.
Relevant forms
Hearing Loss Exceptions Form.pdf
Audiometric Form.pdf
Approved Hearing Aid Devices
WCB Nova Scotia has worked directly with hearing aid manufacturers to negotiate wholesale pricing for quality hearing aids. We now have a list of approved devices and a process for co-pay. Please contact the Health Services team at to receive the most up to date list of approved devices.
Hearing Health Services for Workers
What do audiologists need to know about making a WCB claim?
Workers may not be aware that a claim for noise induced hearing loss due to a work-related incident needs to be filed within 12 months of receiving information from their audiologist. As an audiologist or clinic, you can help ensure that workers are able to access benefits from WCB Nova Scotia for work-related hearing loss by encouraging them to contact WCB Nova Scotia within 12 months of your appointment if you suspect their hearing loss may be caused by their employment.
Noise Induced Hearing Loss: How to Report a Claim to the WCB
In Nova Scotia, work‐related noise induced hearing loss is considered to be an occupational disease. This means that, according to the Workers’ Compensation Act, the worker must:
- Give notice of the injury to the employer as soon as practicable after the worker learns that he or she suffers from an occupational disease; and
- Make a claim for compensation within 12 months of the worker learning of the occupational disease for which compensation is claimed.
- The WCB may extend the time for filing a claim, but not beyond five years from the date of the accident or from when the worker learned of the occupational disease. Current practice within the WCB is to use the date that the noise induced hearing loss is confirmed by a medical specialist, such as an Audiologist Report, as the date that the injured worker learns that they have an occupational disease.