Return to Work for Small and Medium Businesses

When injury occurs, staying connected to the workplace and continuing to work are important factors in recovery.

The longer employees are off work, the less likely they are to return. So when an injury does occur, the best result for everyone is a safe and timely return to work.

The CB’s goal is to work with employers, employees, unions and health care providers to ensure this happens.

The following links to information on our site are designed to help small and medium business navigate the Workers' Compensation system if an injury occurs in their workplace.

My worker was injured, what do I do now?

What is direct access to early assessment of sprains and strains at work?

Do I need to file a claim?

How do I file a claim?  What do I do if I need help filling out the form?

What is the status of the claim?

Who is working with my claim/who do I contact?

 How do I appeal?

What are transitional duties?

How will this injury impact my rate?

 What is the role of the case worker?

What is my role as an employer?

 How do I prevent injuries from happening at my workplace?


Resources for Small and Medium Businesses

Return to Work for Workers

Return to Work for Employers

What Business Owners Need to Know About Workplace Safety