Workplace safety essential to growing, sustaining business in Nova Scotia

November 9, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – Today at Leadership Matters 2015: A Workplace Safety CEO Summit, a group of prominent Nova Scotia leaders discussed the vital role of workplace safety in growing and sustaining a prosperous Nova Scotia.

The morning ended with a powerful call to leadership to take action to make our workplaces safer.

Danny Graham, CEO of Engage Nova Scotia, facilitated a panel of senior leaders from across the province. He said the momentum going into today’s discussion was indicative of the quality of conversation that took place.

“The panel conversation was powerful, and the symbolic nature alone, seeing that level of leadership on the stage focusing on workplace safety, was unprecedented,” said Graham. “It was clear from the discussion that we are increasingly applying a workplace safety lens to issues of importance to our province such as immigration, aging population, and new industries.”

The third annual Leadership Matters event is a function of Nova Scotia’s Workplace Safety Strategy. The meeting of leaders representing all industries is a chance to discuss the essential role of workplace safety in Nova Scotia’s future prosperity and financial sustainability.

“These leaders have real insight into what it takes to create a culture of safety in the workplace,” said Kelly Regan, Minister of Labour and Advanced Education. “They appreciate the key role that safety plays in the success of their businesses and associations, and in the success of the province. At events like this, they can share that insight and help inspire real change in the way our workplaces operate.”

Stuart MacLean, CEO of WCB Nova Scotia agrees. He said leaders across Nova Scotia need to move from knowing about safety to caring about it.

“We’re talking about a mindset shift,” said MacLean. “Workplace safety is not a cost, it’s an investment. The Ivany Report says our people are our most important asset. Let’s protect that asset, let’s keep our people healthy, working, and on the job.”

The event comes on the heels of the launch of a safety toolkit for businesses, and the industry-led Fishing Safety Now, an action plan for a safer fishery. It also kicks off a media campaign targeting business leaders, anchored by a powerful video.

“This event is a fundamental expression of One Nova Scotia. The fact we are having this conversation with the incredible people in the room today is a meaningful, measurable example of culture change,” MacLean said in his closing remarks. “It can’t just be lip-service. We all owe it to ourselves to not let that happen.”
