What to Expect When Opening a Claim
WCB Client Care Navigators are here to support workers and employers with gradual onset psychological injuries. They will guide and support workers and employers in opening a claim and are available throughout the process to answer questions.
As part of opening a claim, Client Care Navigators will speak with both the worker and employer. They will help you understand the process, connect you with other team members as needed, and keep you updated on next steps. This team will all work together to ensure you get the treatment you need and support you through your return to work journey.
Sharing Your Story
For workers, it’s important to know a WCB Client Care Navigator will need to ask you some beginning questions to get your claim started. You will need to share some basic information and are welcome to share more, however this is not the stage where we need all of the information required to make a claim decision. Later in the process an Eligibility Specialist will need to gather all of the details about your experience.
The claim is open. What happens next?